About Me

Well there's really not a lot to say about me, I just stick to my own and dont really cause trouble. SIKE!!! Anyone who has even heard the name ~*GENESIS JELKES*~ knows that I'm the one everyone else watches and blames stuff on, and I'm the one they always run back to and I LOVE IT! I'm a fun girl who just wants to STAY a fun girl forever!! LoL On the plus side, I've been called every name in the book,no really...I have, so if you think you can top what I've heard GOOD LUCK :)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Annotations Here Annotations There ANNOTATIONS EVERYWHERE!!!

Genesis Jelkes
Advanced Placement English- period 3
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Annotated Bibliography

Sue, David, Sue, Derald, Sue, Stanley. Understanding Abnormal Behaviour. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1994

This book is about various human behaviours from anxiety and stress to severe disorders of mood and thought. However, I focused on the act of incest and what kind of people usually commits this act. This book was very reliable because it gave me the information that I needed to make connections between real life people in today’s society and the fictional characters that displayed the same traits in the novel. This source focused on incest while other sources focused more on the novel itself and themes within the novel. I felt this was beneficial because many people have their own pre-conceived ideas of what the theme of incest is, this gives a concrete definition, and being concrete as hard as it may seem is very important to the paper.

2. Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria. “Diacritics” Journal of Literature. Vol. 4, No. 2. (Summer, 1974), pp. 55-57. JSTOR. Saint Xavier University 30 Mar. 2007 < http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0300-7162%28197422%294%3A2%3C55%3ARBMW%3E2.0.CO%3B2-%23>

In this writing, we get a better understanding of how the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez relates to the theme of incest. This helps me with my paper by how it supported the idea that incest is all throughout the book. While this gives me more of a relevancy to the book, it was rather difficult to understand the views of the author because of the small font of the screen and the conspicuous use of advanced vocabulary. This source however was somewhat reliable because it did give me the information that I was looking for in order to get my point across in the paper.

Jersild, Arthur T. Child Psychology 6th ed. Prentice-Hall Inc. 1968

This book helped me to realize how young people can react to being victims of incest and how families perceive incest. This differs from the other sources by how it gives me a general reasoning about incest and therefore helps me to understand incest better. In addition, it gives me insight on how parents can influence their children to commit the act of incest without initially being a victim of it.

Vaillant, George. The Wisdom of the Ego. United States of America: President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1993

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. One Hundred Years of Solitude. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1992

Being that the themes are spread throughout the book, a mixture of quotes and passages proved of assistance in my search for knowledge. The characters and their personalities helped to show signs of certain themes of the book. For example, Jose Arcadio Buendia places himself into seclusion after discovering that none of the objects the gypsies brought to him works. From this point on, many of his children display the same thoughts and actions when they come across harsh conditions. Therefore, the book is a very helpful source to understanding and using ''hands'' on material.