About Me

Well there's really not a lot to say about me, I just stick to my own and dont really cause trouble. SIKE!!! Anyone who has even heard the name ~*GENESIS JELKES*~ knows that I'm the one everyone else watches and blames stuff on, and I'm the one they always run back to and I LOVE IT! I'm a fun girl who just wants to STAY a fun girl forever!! LoL On the plus side, I've been called every name in the book,no really...I have, so if you think you can top what I've heard GOOD LUCK :)

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Home Stretch Chapters 19-20


Magical Realism: Pilar had the ability to know what was happening in places different from her own setting.

Character Development: Amaranta Ursula has fully developed into a woman in this chapter and has matured into a lady.

Plot Summary: This chapter begins and end with sex and lust. Amaranta Ursula returns to the town and Aureliano falls madly in love with her and begins to think about her all the time. Trying to get over her, he hangs out with his new acquaintances as well as his new hooker mate. Unfortunately none of his antics seem to do the job completely so he talks to Pilar. Pilar advises him to go back to Amaranta Ursula and try again and he does so unsuccessfully the first time but eventually gives in and they are now lovers.


1. "So Aureliano was still a virgin when Amaranta Ursula returned to Macondo and gave him a sisterly embrace that left him breathless. "- This quote shows us that this was the beginning of the chapter and telling us how it was all going to happen.

2." Wherever she is right now, she is waiting for you." - This quote tells us that they are going to end up together.


Inter generational Reproduction- This theme is driven by Aureliano and his desperate need to be with Amaranta Ursula.


Magical Realism: The family's whole history was written down 100 years before it all happened, enough said.

Character Development: Before Amaranta ursula dies, Aureliano is unaware of the world surrounding him and once she dies, his eyes are opened.

Plot Summary

Pilar dies giving us the beginning of the chapter and her family in turn leave the village. Aureliano's acquaintances leave the town as well and Macondo becomes very desolate. Amaranta Ursula is now pregnant with Aureliano's child and gives her husband the news. The baby is born with a pig's tail and Amaranta dies due to excessive bleeding. Aureliano leaves the house one day and comes back to find his child dead. Grief-stricken, he begins to seclude himself and studies the scrolls. Hold on to your seats because when he finally finishes the scrolls he reads his family history and realizes that everything that happened, the tragedy, the incest, the suffering, to the whole Buendia crew was meant to be from chapter one.


1."Friends are a bunch of bastards!"- This shows how distraught Aureliano is because of how his friends abandoned him randomly.

2. "At first he felt an outburst of joy, thinking that Amaranta Ursula had awakened from death..."- This quote shows how much Aureliano will miss his lady and how everyday functions are getting more difficult for him to do without her. This quote also tells us the affect she had on him.


Unfortunate Discovery- This is the theme of this chapter because of how a series of unfortunate events happened to Aureliano including the death of his child and the uncovering of the Buendia history.

1 comment:

mbrown8625 said...


Thank you for your hard work and effort. That you for the thoroughness of your AR and for being 'ahead of the game' with this project. I've seen the dialogue journal with Andrea.

Your AR is absolutely phenomenal. Your journals are absolutely phenomenal.

ch.11-20 grade: A+
overall AR grade: A+
Journal grade: A

Keep it up!!!! You're knocking this project out of the park!!!:)